Realized activities and their results: trials in the field and post-storage trials to reduce cupper in organic farming- Conclusions and impacts

Laimburg Research Centre (LRC) is part of the project Alt.rame in Bio. This project aims at reducing the application of cupper in organic farming or exchanging the agent with a better solution. For this purpose, LRC has conducted a serial of trials with alternative products to cupper:
- Agents based on a very low dosage of cupper: in spring very effective, cupper application can be reduced. However, treatments with cupper need to be conducted right before the infections. Effective against scab, apple blotch disease, Alternaria.
- Calcium polysulfide: effective both preventive and timely, resulted the most important alternative to cupper, not only in springtime, but also in summer and fall. However, when sun irradiation is very high, it can lead to severe problems regarding sunburn.
- Bicarbonate of potassium (formulated and not): formulated ones are effective in the preventive and timely application, non-formulated ones for are not suitable for preventive interventions. Both products, if used repeatedly, can provoke burnings on leaves and fruits. Partially effective against sooty mold, unsatisfactory against scab, apple blotch disease, Alternaria,
- Bicarbonate of soda: partially effective against sooty mold, unsatisfactory against scab, apple blotch disease, Alternaria.
- Acid clay: effective against Gloeosporium
- Equisetum
- Extracts from citrus fruits
- Extracts from liquorish: interesting results, to repeat.
- Zeolites
- Products based on sulfur
- Compositions based on minerals complemented with cupper and ionized water
All these products were applied in different strategies (preventive, timely, curative).

- In addition, the effects of a rain cover in combination with insect nets were tested (Keep in Touch®): interesting results, to repeat.
- In the post-harvest, the efficiency of hot water against some fungi was tested: Effective against Gloeosporium comparable to the one of acid clay.


Realized activities and their results: trials in the field and post-storage trials to reduce cupper in organic farming- Conclusions and impacts ()
Kelderer, Markus; Casera, Claudio; Lardschneider, Ewald; Topp, Anne; Telfser, Josef, "Attivittà realizzata - Risultati ottenuti: prove in campo - Risultati ottenuti: prove in post raccolta - conclusioni e ricadute applicative", La Torre, Battaglia (Hg.) 2017 – ALT.RAMEinBIO Strategie per la Riduzione, pag. 5–8 (Realized activities and their results: trials in the field and post-storage trials to reduce cupper in organic farming- Conclusions and impacts).
Activity type
Publication in other stakeholder journal/magazine
Activity work package
Reduction in pesticide residues
Activity number
Laimburg - WP3 - A82
Activity contact
Dr. Markus Kelderer
Laimburg Research Centre
Laimburg 6 - Pfatten
I-39040 Post Auer (BZ), Italy
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.