EUFRUIT WP4 Scanning report Y2 "WP4 Fruit quality, improvement of fruit handling/ storage"

Microbial post-harvest diseases can be controlled using existing methods (synthetic fungicides, CA- Storage, 1-MCP). With the pressure of reducing synthetic fungicides (Swiss action plan in plant protection, EU- regulation), an increase of microbial post- harvest disease and thus an increase in food loss is to be expected. Using state of the art molecular methods (spore sampling, molecular diagnostic assays, metagenomics) microbial diseases can be characterized to a previously unknown resolution and the resulting information can be applied to obtain a high fruit quality with decreased input of synthetic plant protection products. Additionally, existing biocontrol methods (Aureobasidium, Metschnikowia) are evaluated and novel antagonists are identified. In order to characterize these pathogens, antagonists and complete microbiomes, state of the art technologies in molecular diagnostics (PCR, LAMP) and sequencing (Sequencing-by-synthesis, Nanopore) are evaluated and applied within the Swiss agricultural system. In order to assess the quality of fruits, methods in physical and chemical analytics are applied continuously and novel methods are evaluated.


Scanning report WP4, Y2 (English)
Activity type
Publication of EIP-AGRI practitioner abstract
Activity work package
Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage
Activity number
Activity contact
Dr. Andreas Bühlmann

Schloss 1
8820 Wädenswil

Tel. +41 58 460 64 24
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.