Possible causes and prevention strategies of CA/ULO flesh browning in Red Jonaprince

Possible causes and prevention strategies of CA/ULO flesh browning in Red Jonaprince

In the fruit production region Altes Land in storage season 2011/2012 CA / ULO flesh browning was found in Smart FreshSM (1-methylcyclopropene) treated Red Jonaprince apples. Investigations on concerned lots suggest that mainly large, high sugar and low in calcium fruit were affected. This suggests that this is a question of so-called "premature fruits" of weak bearing trees. A storage experiment in 2014/2015 could prove no direct influence of SmartfreshSM on flesh browning. Indirect effects can only be explained by the later harvest time of treated fruits. Two week pre-storage under RA conditions could not reduce flesh browning but had negative effect on fruit firmness even if the fruit were treated with SmartfreshSM. To prevent fl esh browning effectively, it is recommended to separate premature fruits from storage fruits and to market them quickly.


"Possible causes and prevention strategies of CA/ULO fl esh browning in Red Jonaprince" ()
In the fruit production region Altes Land in storage season 2011/2012 CA / ULO flesh browning was found in Smart Fresh (1-methylcyclopropene) treated Red Jonaprince apples. Investigations on concerned lots suggest that mainly large, high sugar and low in calcium fruit were affected. This suggests that this is a question of so-called "premature fruits" of weak bearing trees. A storage experiment in 2014/2015 could prove no direct influence of Smartfresh on flesh browning. Indirect effects can only be explained by the later harvest time of treated fruits. Two weeks prestorage under RA conditions could not reduce flesh browning but had negative effect on fruit firmness even if the fruit were treated with Smartfresh. To prevent flesh browning effectively, it is recommended to separate premature fruits from storage fruits and to market them quickly.
Activity type
Publication in technical journal
Activity work package
Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage
Activity number
Activity contact
Dr. Dirk Köpcke

Leiter Abteilung Fruchtqualität und Obstlagerung
Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen
Obstbauversuchsanstalt Jork

ESTEBURG - Obstbauzentrum Jork
Moorende 53
21635 Jork

Telefon: + 49 (0) 4162 6016 120
Telefax: + 49 (0) 4162 6016 600
Mobil: + 49 (0) 152 5478 2236

E-Mail: [email protected]
Activity partner
Obstbauversuchsanstalt Jork
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.