EUFRUIT WP2 Scanning report Y3 "Soft Fruit Variety Testing"

The main research topics for blackcurrant, raspberry, strawberry, wild strawberry, blackberry, sea buckthorn at LRCAF are: variety testing and breeding, management systems, growing and plant protection technologies.
Most important parameters for soft fruits at Lithuanian agro climatic conditions is winter hardiness, resistant to spring frost, late flowering, resistance to main important fungal diseases, and high fruit quality.
At LRCAF 5 strawberry, 4 wild strawberry, 2 raspberry, and 20 blackcurrant varieties were developed. Lithuanian farmers growing local breeding strawberry variety ‘Dangė’, wild strawberry - ‘Dena’, ‘Meda’, ‘Redita’, ‘Elina’, raspberry - 'Vizija’, ‘Mistika’, blackcurrants - ‘Gagatai’, ‘Joniniai’, ‘Almiai’, ‘Gojai’ and ‘Pilėnai’ et. all. 2 strawberry hybrids (N051901, N082901) and 2 blackcurrant varieties (‘Aldoniai’ and ‘Didikai’) evaluated at DUS testing.
In 2017 8 clones of strawberry, 5 clones of blackcurrant were selected, 14 introduced strawberry varieties were evaluated. 6 F. vesca × F. nipponica F2 and F3 interspecific hybrids, 4 F. vesca (alpine, cultivated) × F. vesca (wood) F3 hybrids, 11 selected lines of unknown origin and standard alpine strawberry cultivars were evaluated. Raspberry, blackberry and sea buckthorn varieties evaluation continued.
In LRCAF developed soft fruit growing technologies and varieties are important for local farmers. Centre close coloborated with Lithuanian associations of commercial orchards "Vaisiai ir uogos", “Pramoninių uogynų augintojų asociacija” and other joint-stock companies. These cooperation created a new advanced research-based products, conducted an experimental research, various measurements or construct a prototypes, created new or improved the existing growing and processed technologies.


Report ()
Information activities about LRCAF was presented.
Activity type
Publication of scanning report
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Dr. Audrius Sasnauskas
LAMMC Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas/
Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
Kauno 30, LT-54333, Babtai, Kauno rajonas, Lietuva
Tel.: +370-37-555210
E-mail.: [email protected]
Activity partner
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.