Scanning report Year 1 on reducing pesticide residues in Danish fruit

Pesticide residues in fruit is a topic of concern to the public, media and hence politicians in Denmark. Aarhus University, Department of Food Science has since 2008 developed research projects that aimed at understanding and reducing pesticide residues in Danish fruit. In the beginning research was focused on understanding when and which compounds were more likely to leave residues. From 2010 and onwards experiments aimed at eliminating residues have been conducted in the research orchard of the Department of Food Science.


Scanning report - Reducing pesticide residues DK 2016 ()
Scanning report 2016
Activity type
Publication of EIP-AGRI practitioner abstract
Activity work package
Reduction in pesticide residues
Activity number
Activity contact
Senior scientist Marianne Bertelsen
Aarhus University, Department of Food Science
Kirstinebjergvej 10, 5792 Aarslev, DK
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.