Varieties for the organic production in Europe

The assortment of apple varieties in the organic cultivation is very similar to the integrated one. Gala is the apple that is mainly grown, followed by Golden Delicious, Elstar and Jonagold. Gala has the advantage of a short vegetative phase compared to other varieties (like Cripps Pink, where plant protection agents needs to be applied until November/December). In addition, Gala is very robust when it comes to phytotoxic effects of certain plant protection agents allowed in organic farming. Golden, Elstar and Jonagold are less cultivated, expect for particularly adapted zones. Regarding the varieties resistant to scab, Topaz is the only one that is cultivated on a larger surface, mainly in Germany. Next to scab, Topaz is also tolerant to mildew and the American blight. The variety is not particularly susceptible to alternate bearing but might have some defects when it comes to long-term storage.
However, scab-resistant varieties are not very much spread. This is because the resistance has already been passed by some species.
Late varieties in organic as well as in integrated farming suffer repeatedly from a group of fungi called sooty mold.
The reduced numbers of active agents allowed in organic farming together with the elevated risks described above make it very important to choose the adapted variety for a certain area. For the success of organic apple orchards, it is also very important to make preventive interventions, conduct a careful monitoring and a realistic prevision of risks of certain infections.


Varietà per la coltura biologica, cosa fa l’Europa. ()
Kelderer, M., Telfser, J., "Varietà per la coltura biologica, cosa fa l’Europa." (Varieties for the organic production in Europe). Rivista di Frutticoltura e di Ortofloricoltura, 2017, 11, p. 18-20
Activity type
Publication in technical journal
Activity work package
Reduction in pesticide residues
Activity number
Laimburg - WP3 - A84
Activity contact
Dr. Markus Kelderer
Laimburg Research Centre
Laimburg 6 - Pfatten
I-39040 Post Auer (BZ), Italy
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.