More sustainability through DOMINO

Domino is a project, financed by „Core Organic“, which aims at enhancing the biodiversity, the fertility and the economic sustainability of orchards.

Local products as fertilizers

First step is the search for local products (by-products deriving from the local agricultural or industrial production, interesting is mainly nitrogen). At Laimburg Research Centre, currently 12 different products are tested. The goal of the researchers is to examine, how much of the nitrogen releases into the soil, how much of it is immobilized through bacteria, and how much volatilizes into the atmosphere as N2O (a dinitrogen dioxide inter alia responsible for the ozone depletion).

Protection against fungi

In organic farming, less plat protection products are allowed then in integrated production. Thus, it is difficult to increase the yield and protect against fungi or pests. Laimburg Research Centre thus conducts trial with rain covers (against fungi) in combination with nets (against pests). Indeed, damages through pests, fungi or cracking could be reduced by 90% through the cover systems. In spring, however, neem oil and cupper should be applied, before activating the nets.


Trials comparing “live mulching” and “green manuring” started and will be continued in the season of 2019 at Laimburg Research Centre.
“Live mulching” is the mulching of weeds under the trees, “green manuring” foresees the improvement of the soil through plants, which add nitrogen and organic substance to the soil.


Mehr Nachhaltigkeit dank Domino. ()
Holtz T., Kelderer M., Casera C., Topp A.R. (2018). Mehr Nachhaltigkeit dank Domino. (More sustainability through Domino). Südtiroler Landwirt Nr. 20/2018 (Spezial), S. 68-70.
Activity type
Publication in technical journal
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Laimburg - WP3 - A116
Activity contact
Dr. Markus Kelderer
Laimburg Research Centre
Laimburg 6 - Pfatten
I-39040 Post Auer (BZ), Italy
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.