COST CHERRY meeting was the final part of the COST ACTION FA1104 entitled “Sustainable production of high-quality cherries for the European market” developed in different European countries during the period 2012-2016. In the meeting of Naoussa (Greece) the state of the art of different topics developed inside of COST ACTION were developed by the participants of 18 countries. Dr. Ignasi Iglesias as invited lecturer gave a general overview of cherry development in Spain considering the technology of fruit production (New cultivar development, rootstocks and training systems. In this case, the cultivars from Summerland (Canada) are the most important in Spain and the basis of production. As a rootstock INRA SL-64 is commonly used and in some cases Maxma-14 and Adara. Considering training systems the most important is the “Catalan bush” developed over the past 30 years and in recent years the “Ebro System”, a modification of traditional Spanish Bus able to provide early yields.