Apricot technical sheets database

Ctifl’s various missions cover a broad spectrum of actions carried out at the service of the entire fruit and vegetable sector. They more specifically involve experimentation, innovation, information and dissemination.
Advances linked to new apricot varieties are substantial, and varietal innovation should be put to good use by helping the sector to maintain and improve profitability. The dissemination of technical references obtained regarding plant material provides the technical elements reinforcing their choice of varieties.
That is why Ctifl offers varietal fact sheets online, on its website www.ctifl.fr. The fact sheets synthesise evaluation results obtained over several years on the various sites of the evaluation network covering all French growing areas. The network is coordinated by Ctifl and monitoring is carried out on the Ctifl Balandran research centre, as well as at the regional experimental stations Centrex, Sud Expé and Sefra.
The variety fact sheets summarise the technical and agronomical knowledge regarding apricot trees and fruits. They also describe the growing technique that is best suited to each variety’s physiological characteristics: productivity (yield, marketable size, …), tree management, production (harvest, bloom, ripening, colouring) …
Access to the application is free on the website of Ctifl (www.ctifl.fr – for those who do not have one already, please create an account) via Espace Professionnels>Matériel végétal> Fiches variétés et porte-greffe de l'abricotier>Lien vers les fiches variétales.
Direct link: http://www.ctifl.fr/Varietes_Abricot/accueil.aspx


Apricot cultivars database
Access to the application is free on the website of Ctifl (www.ctifl.fr – for those who do not have one already, please create an account) via Espace Professionnels>Matériel végétal> Fiches variétés et porte-greffe de l'abricotier>Lien vers les fiches variétales.
Direct link: http://www.ctifl.fr/Varietes_Abricot/accueil.aspx
Activity type
Publication of technical bulletin/guideline
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Christian Hilaire (Ctifl) - [email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.