Autumn Fruit Conference 24th October 2017

This Open Day Technical Meeting on fruit production is carried-out annually at the IRTA- Experimental Station of Mas Badia (Girona). In this production area is the most important meeting of apple industry with more than 150 people. The objective is to provide precise information about different aspects of technology of crop production but in particular the results of testing new cultivars and rootstocks of apple are always the main topic of interest.
The Meeting was attended by fruit growers and technicians from the apple sector and, among other topics, highlighted the update and transfer of new knowledge about the chemical thinning of the apple tree, as a result of the last trials carried out. The latest information on the moments of application of the new thinning products and the new tools that will allow us to manage and guide the interventions were highlighted.


Estratègies d'aclarida per a pomeres ()
Oral presentation
Activity type
Organising/holding other stakeholder meeting/event
Activity work package
Secure sustainable fruit production
Activity number
Activity contact
Glòria Àvila
[email protected]
IRTA Mas Badia
17134 La Tallada d'Empordà (Girona, Spain)
Tel. +34 972780275
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.