In search of alternative approaches to reduce Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spots of apple: Testing interactions between slaked lime and sulphur lime

Prechsl U.E., Marschall K., Casera C., Kelderer M. (2018). In search of alternative approaches to reduce Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spots of apple: Testing interactions between slaked lime and sulphur lime. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing 2018, 228-230.

Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spots of apple is a severe fungal disease, whose dynamic is
still poorly understood and effective plant protection strategies are scares. Therefore, it is a
critical task to a) understand the Alternaria dynamics, i.e. fungus-plant interactions, to b)
develop alternative plant protection approaches. Here we present data of a field trail, where
we tested the effect of slaked lime and sulphur lime on apple ('Gala') leaf blotch and fruit
spots. All treatments reduced leaf blotch but not fruit spots. The results revealed that positive
interactions between slaked and sulphur lime do exist.


In search of alternative approaches to reduce Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spots of apple: Testing interactions between slaked lime and sulphur lime. ()
Prechsl U.E., Marschall K., Casera C., Kelderer M. (2018). In search of alternative approaches to reduce Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spots of apple: Testing interactions between slaked lime and sulphur lime. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing 2018, 228-230.


Ecofruit-Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing 2018
“Ecofruit” is the continuation of the 17 previous meetings. It aims to bring together European researchers and consultants working on topics related to organic fruit growing. “Ecofruit” gives an opportunity to communicate and discuss latest results connected with organic fruit growing with regard to the improvement of the production system.
Activity type
Publication in scientific journal (peer review)
Activity work package
Reduction in pesticide residues
Activity number
Laimburg - WP3 - A100
Activity contact
Dr. Markus Kelderer
Laimburg Research Centre
Laimburg 6 - Pfatten
I-39040 Post Auer (BZ), Italy
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.