Press release on kick-off of the project sent to the Freshfel members

Freshfel communicated on the kick-off of the project to its members and beyond in the Freshfel Headlines, Newsletter and other channels, reaching over 1000 people:

'On 3-4 March 2016, a kick-off meeting took place in Brussels of the new project EUFRUIT, in which Freshfel will actively participate. EUFRUIT is a Horizon 2020 European funded project aiming at facilitating the access to knowledge and at disseminating existing research and innovation potential for the benefit of the fresh produce sector and consumers.

EUFRUIT is setting up a unique thematic European Fruit Network where research institutes and the European representative organizations of the fresh fruit sector are joining forces. Altogether, EUFRUIT gathers a consortium of 21 partners from 12 different countries. The consortium will focus its activities on 4 crucial thematic areas for the competiveness and innovation potential of the European Fruit sector. These areas include 1) new cultivar development, 2) minimise residues on fruit and in the environment, 3) optimise storage and fruit quality as well as 4) enhance sustainable production systems. As such, EUFRUIT will act as a knowledge platform while providing unique networking opportunities for academics and researchers partners, fruit business operators as well as decision makers. With a total budget of 1.8 million €, the network will establish in the upcoming three years a systematic approach for knowledge gathering and dissemination.

From the fresh produce sector, both AREFLH (Association of the Regions producing fruit, vegetables and horticulture products) and Freshfel Europe (European fruit and vegetables Association) will be actively involved in the dissemination of the project achievements to the sector.'


Press release EUFRUIT Kick-off ()
The press release states the goals and objectives, the partners, and important contact information about EUFRUIT.
Activity type
Publication of newsletter
Activity work package
Project management
Activity number
Activity contact
Helene Deruwe
Rue de Trèves 49-51
1040 Brussels
+32 2 777 15 80
[email protected]
Activity partner
Freshfel Europe
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.