Varieties-trends in the European Apple Cultivation

Variety trends in the European Apple Cultivation, Walter Guerra

Every two years, the EUFRIN working group “Variety- and rootstock testing of apples and pears” meets up in one of the partner institutes. 2015, the working group met in Lithuania to discuss new and promising varieties. This article tackles the variety trends of the European apple cultivation, which have been presented by the variety testers during this meeting. In every country, the range of apple varieties is different, and the importance of club varieties varies. The leading apple varieties in Europe- with a share of more than 5% of the European apple production- are the standard varieties Golden Delicious, Gala, Idared, Jonagold/Jonagored and Red Delicious. The production of Fuji, Cripps Pink, Pinova and other new varies increased throughout Europe in the past year.


Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau (SZOW) 5, 8-12 Sortentrends in Europa (Varieties-trends in the European Apple Cultivation), Walter Guerra
Published: 11-03-2016


Sortentrends in Europa (Varieties-trends in the European Apple Cultivation). Walter Guerra ()
Published in Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau (SZOW) 5, 8-12
Activity type
Publication in technical journal
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Walter Guerra
Laimburg Research Centre
Laimburg 6 - Pfatten
I-39040 Post Auer (BZ), Italy
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.