Much commitment on the search for new apple varieties

Presentation for the assosciation of young farmers:

The goal of the variety innovation consortium South Tyrol is to develop new and exclusive apple varieties for South Tyrol which can contribute to secure the success of the local farmers. For this goal, varieties are tested for the cultivation in the local context. Then, the productivity, storage-behavior and the marketing ability are tested. This procedure already resulted in some successful projects, such as Kanzi ®, Jazz ® or Envy ®


Hinter neuen Apfelsorten steckt viel Herzblut ()
Article in local Newspaper
Hinter neuen Apfelsorten steckt viel Herzblut ()
Article in local newspaper
Hinter neuen Apfelsorten steckt viel Herzblut ()
Short article in local newspaper
Hinter neuen Apfelsorten steckt viel Herzblut ()
Publication in local newspaper
Hinter neuen Apfelsorten steckt viel Herzblut ()
Press Release by the assosciation of young farmers
Activity type
Organising/holding seminar/lecture-based workshop
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Markus Bradlwarter
Variety Innovation Consortium South Tyrol
Jakobistraße 1/A
39018 Terlan
[email protected]
Activity partner
Variety Innovation Consortium South Tyrol
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.