Current Status of the Variety breeding of Strawberries at the Laimburg Research Centre

Variety testing of strawberries at the Research Centre Laimburg. Massimo Zago, Franziska Maria Hack

Every year, dozens of new strawberry varieties emerge on the market. The Research Centre Laimburg tests these varieties for the conditions in South Tyrol. Frequently, the new varieties are not feasible for the climatic conditions in South Tyrol. Thus, breeding and selecting needs to be adapted to the special characteristics of the South Tyrolean mountain areas.

Strawberry variety breeding at the Research Centre Laimburg is divided in three phases:

1) The desired parent-variety is systematically crossed, in order to pass positive characteristics of the variety to the progeny. These descendants are compared and selected.
2) In this phase, characteristics such as yield, appearance, and taste are evaluated. Only a small amount of varieties passes this phase and continues the third and last phase of variety breeding.
3) This phase envisages the testing on different sites, with differing expositions and on different altitudes. The scope of this phase is also to learn more about the proper management of a certain variety.


Südtiroler Landwirt, Nr. 6 Veröffentlichung Artikel im Landwirt "Aktueller Stand der Erdbeersortenzüchtung am VZ Laimburg" (Current Status of the Variety breeding of Strawberries at the Laimburg Research Centre). Massimo Zago
Published: 31-03-2017


Veröffentlichung Artikel im Landwirt "Aktueller Stand der Erdbeersortenzüchtung am VZ Laimburg" (Current Status of the Variety breeding of Strawberries at the Laimburg Research Centre). Massimo Zago ()
Published in 31.3.2017 / Südtiroler Landwirt, Nr. 6
Activity type
Publication in technical journal
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Walter Guerra
Laimburg Research Centre
Laimburg 6 - Pfatten
I-39040 Post Auer (BZ), Italy
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.