AREFLH took the opportunity to present and disseminate information about the EUFRUIT Project during its General Assembly which took place on the 24th of March 2017 in Bologna:
AREFLH’s general assembly: top-level speakers for a new impulse towards the future, Bordeaux, 24th March 2017
AREFLH held its General Assembly in Italy on March 23rd and 24th in Bologna, seat of its president, Mrs.
Simona Caselli, Agriculture Councilor of Emilia-Romagna.
With a conference on "the CAP, mid-term review and post-2020 perspectives", AREFLH was honored to host
high-level speakers for the two-day gathering of regions and AOP/OP producing fruit and vegetables in
Europe. Indeed, AREFLH welcomed the President of Emilia-Romagna, Mr Bonaccini, Mr Paolo de Castro,
Vice-President of COMAGRI, Mr Raimondo Serra, DG AGRI, Mr Leornardo di Gioia, Coordinator of the
Agriculture Commission of the Italian State-Regions Conference, and Mr Felice Assenza, representant of the
Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies.
At the request of the president, the conference was preceded by the presentation of AREFLH to the
Agricultural Policy Commission who gathers the councilors of agriculture of the Italian regions.
15 years already!
The General Assembly in itself was held the next day, on 24th March. Mrs Caselli opened the day with a few
words on AREFLH’s 15th birthday and announced AREFLH’s wish to expand its network and to efficiently
develop common projects revolving, for example around research and innovation.
Indeed, it is a theme put forward by all the speakers during their presentations (Emilia-Romagna, Basilicata
and Catalonia). As a matter of fact, research is a key issue as far as climate change is concerned, but not
only, as it is also linked to stimulating consumption by offering products that are safe, healthy and easier to
Later in the morning a last topic was discussed, "the 20th anniversary of the fruit and vegetables CMO, a tool
for the development of the European sector" by Jose Garcia Alvarez Coque, Director of the International
Economy and Development Group. In his presentation, he gave a positive assessment of the CMO.
Lastly, this general assembly threw spotlight on a new dynamic team. As a matter of fact, Mr. Dasque left his
position of Secretary General after 15 years at AREFLH, he passed the administrative reins to Pauline
Panegos, and to the new representant in Brussels, Andrea Tivoli. The association thus turns to the future
with numerous projects such as, to name but one, the white paper of the CMO (publication mid-2017)