ABSTRACT: In this technical article, the situation of apple and pear in Spain is described mainly in reference to the trends of production and new cultivars developed in the last two decades. In apple with more than 34.000 ha, Golden and Gala groups represent 77% of the total production. New high coloured strains of Gala, Delicious and Fuji have been planted in the last decades to overcome the problem of lack of colour. As a new varieties managed as a “club” formula only Pink Lady has had a significant impact in Spain were is produced in the Ebro Valley. Story a scab resistant cultivar is one of the best-adapted cultivars to warm climates. In pear the Spanish surface is 21.000 ha and the production is based in traditional varieties mainly Conference, Blanquilla, Guyot and Williams. Some new cultivars have been introduced in the last two decades at small scale as Carmen or Elliot. Among the new cultivars the most significant, in terms of surface planted (71 has in February 2017) is QTee (Celina) developed only in the area of Lleida (Ebro Valley) and managed by the formula of “club” around the world with more than 300 ha in 2017.
I. Iglesias. Boletín Técnico Pomáceas (2016), 16, 1-10pp. |
Innovación varietal en manzanos y perales. Published: 21-10-2016 |