XI International ISHS Vaccinium Symposium

The symposium consisted of a three day scientific program at the Sheraton Lake Buena Vista Resort and a one day tour of local blueberry growing, packing, and shipping facilities.
Papers were submitted for research in areas of breeding and genetics, germplasm, horticulture and production systems, plant physiology, plant and soil nutrition, pest and disease management, postharvest, health benefits, marketing and economics, and mechanization.
The event address to all involved in the Vaccinium research, teaching, and extension community, as well as producers and marketers involved in the industry. The goal is to promote international cooperation and dissemination of the latest information regarding Vaccinium species.


Blueberries in Romania: past, present and future perspective (English)
Poster for the paper submitted to the symposium
Climate change affects blueberry production in Romania (English)
Poster for the paper submitted to the symposium


symposium webpage
webpage of the XI International ISHS Vaccinium Symposium in Orlando Florida
Activity type
Participation in scientific conference
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Assoc. Prof. Adrian Asanica - USAMV Bucharest - Bv. Marasti nr. 59, Romania
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
Event date
Event name
University of Florida
Event location
Orlando, USA
Event participants
Scientist and horticulturists for all over the World
Event dissemination
participation in discussion, media, oral presentation
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.