COVARFEL application : an innovative comparison tool for peach and nectarine cultivars.

New varieties of peaches and nectarines are being bred at a pace that exceeds the expectations of both growers and distributors. This fast renewal offers new perspectives for growers facing problems in their orchards.
In order to meet the needs of the sector and to disseminate as soon as possible the information obtained by the plant material evaluation network of Ctifl and the regional experimental stations Centrex, Sud Expé and Sefra, Ctifl has developed a new application named COVARFEL. This application supplies the sector with early data required to guide them in their choice of varieties.
The assembled data are only partial, because they are based on a limited number of years of observation, but they are nonetheless reliable, and useful as decision aids. For varieties of great interest, more detailed and complete data sheets will be supplied.
Designed as a comparison tool, the application makes it possible, with a few clicks, to compare information on the different varieties, and thus to select the ones that come closest to the desired criteria.
It has multiple search criteria, which can be combined: fruit type, name of the variety, bud break period, time of bloom, time of ripening, yield, type of taste, name of patent representative, etc.
As for the criterion concerning tree management, the degree of ease or difficulty (preliminary pruning, training and type of pruning) is illustrated by a colour code system: green means relatively easy, while red indicates technical challenges.
As regards thinning (type, period and intensity), the colours designate the level of thinning requirements.
An overall assessment (experts’ mark) has been assigned to each variety; it takes into account the ease of tree management, fruit aspect and quality, potential fruit load, etc., but it does not take into account susceptibility to Xanthomonas pruni pv.
Susceptibility to Xanthomonas pruni pv. is established on the basis of observations carried out in the plots of the plant material evaluation network, as well as in commercial orchards.
Access to the application is free on the website of Ctifl ( – for those who do not have one already, please create an account) via Espace Professionnels>Matériel végétal>Variétés de pêches et nectarines>Lien vers COVARFEL, comparateur de variétés.
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COVARFEL : peach and nectarine cultivars comparison
Access to the application is free on the website of Ctifl ( – for those who do not have one already, please create an account) via Espace Professionnels>Matériel végétal>Variétés de pêches et nectarines>Lien vers COVARFEL, comparateur de variétés.
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Activity type
Publication of technical bulletin/guideline
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Christian Hilaire (Ctifl) - [email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.