Interview at Lithuanian LRT radio program "Ryto garsai"

Apple fruit biochemical composition, summer, autumn,and winter cultivars, storage conditions were presented at radio program.


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Interview with LRT radio program "Ryto garsai" at 10-09-2016, 7:30a.m.
Activity type
Publication of audio/video content
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Dr. Audrius Sasnauskas
LAMMC Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutas/
Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
Kauno 30, LT-54333, Babtai, Kauno rajonas, Lietuva
Tel.: +370-37-555210
E-mail.: [email protected]
Activity partner
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.