A selection of research results in organic farming 2016

The working Group 'organic farming' of Laimburg Research Centre invites annualy organic farmers to a presentation of some Research results of the working Group. This is a summary of the selection of 2016:

To prevent the competition for water and nutrients in orchards, the scrub in the tree rows needs to be removed. In the organic farming, mechanic measurements such as brushing or ploughing are used. Recently, steaming is proposed as an alternative to these traditional methods. The success of steaming depends on many factors (such as the type of scrub). Currently, it is not possible to make concrete statements on the measurement.

EcoOrchard is a project on functional biodiversity. This term defines the function of many creatures (biodiversity) living together in an eco-system, and together improving performances usable for the humans, as their functions complement each other. This contains an enormous potential for the sustainable farming.
In this project, different compositions of flower strips should attract beneficial organisms, thus reduce the number of pest infestations and thus the number of applications for the plant protection.

Multifunctional Nets
Different structures of nets are already in manifold use in the agriculture. Very close-meshed nets are used for the top of the trees, combined with more largely-meshed nets for the middle and lower area. These nets reduce the leaf wetness and keep insect pests away from the plants.

Injection Nozzles
Injection Nozzles are required for the Integrated Production of Apples in South Tyrol and will soon become a requirement for the organic farming as well. The tests of the working group for organic farming at the LRC show that the droplet size is bigger when Injection Nozzles are used, which leads to an inferior wettability. this can be crucial in the organic production, as the products used are less effectual, especially concerning the top of the trees.


Obstbau Weinbau, März 2017, Jahrgang 54, Nr. 3, 22-25. Telfser J., Casera C., Lardschneider E., Graf M., Kelderer M. (2017). Ausgewählte Versuchsergebnisse im ökologischen Anbau 2016.
Published: 01-03-2017


Telfser J., Casera C., Lardschneider E., Graf M., Kelderer M. (2017). Ausgewählte Versuchsergebnisse im ökologischen Anbau 2016. ()
Published in Obstbau Weinbau, März 2017, Jahrgang 54, Nr. 3, 22-25.
Gruppo di lavoro in agricoltura biologica ()
Telfser J., Casera C., Lardschneider E., Graf M., Kelderer M. (2017). Ausgewählte Versuchsergebnisse im ökologischen Anbau 2016. (A selection of research results in organic farming 2016), published in fruttaevite 2/2017, pp. 22-25
Activity type
Publication in technical journal
Activity work package
Reduction in pesticide residues
Activity number
Laimburg - WP3 - A58
Activity contact
Dr. Markus Kelderer
Laimburg Research Centre
Laimburg 6 - Pfatten
I-39040 Post Auer (BZ), Italy
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.