Testing modulation of storage temperature to improve quality of apples

The Agriculture Horticulture Development Board funded a project conducted by the Produce Quality Centre in the UK over three seasons (2010 - 2012) to test the use of temperature modulation during storage of Cox and Braeburn apples.
Incorporating periods of lower temperature (1.5 - 2C) into the standard 6 month storage period for Cox's Orange Pippin reduced the incidence of Nectria rots. However improvements in fruit quality were limited and modulating the temperature did not reduce the risk of low temperature breakdown (LTB). Modulated low temperature storage (0.5 - 1.0 C) of Braeburn reduced the rate of softening of fruit from some orchard consignments, but failed to control the development of internal disorders.


Testing modulation of storage temperature to improve quality of apples ()
The Agriculture Horticulture Development Board funded a project conducted by the Produce Quality Centre in the UK over three seasons (2010 - 2012) to test the use of temperature modulation during storage of Cox and Braeburn apples.
Incorporating periods of lower temperature (1.5 - 2C) into the standard 6 month storage period for Cox's Orange Pippin reduced the incidence of Nectria rots. However improvements in fruit quality were limited and modulating the temperature did not reduce the risk of low temperature breakdown (LTB). Modulated low temperature storage (0.5 - 1.0 C) of Braeburn reduced the rate of softening of fruit from some orchard consignments, but failed to control the development of internal disorders.
Activity type
Publication in other stakeholder journal/magazine
Activity work package
Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage
Activity number
Activity contact
Dr Richard Colgan
Natural Resources Institute, Produce Quality Centre
University of Greenwich, UK
[email protected]
Activity partner
Activity country
United Kingdom
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.