Innovation of cultivar / Fajtainnováció

The NARIC Fruitculture Research Institute founded on 1st January 2014 is the legal successor of Horticultural Research Institute’s Fruit Growing Department and Ornamental Department founded in 1950. Main activities of the Institute are to bred and domesticate pome fruit, stone fruit, shell fruit, soft fruit species, and rootstocks for fruit cultivars as well as annual flower cultivars propagated by seeds and rose cultivars. Our main breeding aims are production safety, increasing tolerance / resistance to diseases and pests and to produce fruits having outstanding taste, aroma and market value and to have an outstanding ornamental value for the ornamental species. The breeding programs started at foundation of the Institute are helped by biotechnological laboratories and ex-situ gene bank collections. As results of the breeding work are 197 fruit cultivars, 20 rootstock cultivars, 122 annual flower cultivars and 229 rose cultivars had been registered on the National Variety List.


ISBN: 978 615 5748 00 4 A magyar föld jövőéért / For the future of the Hungarian land
Published: 01-08-2017
Activity type
Publication of book/booklet/chapter
Activity work package
Project management
Activity number
Activity contact
dr. Geza Bujdoso
Park u. 2
Activity partner
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.