Paraffin oils increase the June fruit drop

The cultivation of apples requests the regulation of the yield (thinning), to have continuous yields and a good quality. Paraffin oils can favor the June fruit drop. However, their effect is different on the different varieties and is affected by different factors.

The regulation of the yield:
- Through the winter cut.
- Thinning during the blossom (mechanically or through acid products); lime sulfur, used for the regulation of fungi, has thinning side effects.
- Manual thinning.

- Through the June fruit drop, the apple tree regulates the amount of fruits on the tree on its own, to some extent.
- The fruit drop can be affected by pesticides, which work with hormones, or herbicides (i.e. Brevis).

Agents applicable for organic fruit growing:
- Oily substances, which cause a photosynthesis-shock.
- The ideal doses depends on the agent; differences exist also regarding the plant tolerance.
- The thinning character of the oily substances acts the most on a fruit size between 12 and 15mm.

Effects/side effects:
- Both effects and side effects depend on the specific variety.
- Red Delicious and Nicoter/Kanzi® and partially also Golden Delicious reacted very heavily on the thinning with paraffin oils in our tests, followed by Braeburn, Cripps Pink and Gala.
- The variety Fuji, instead, showed the least effects.
- The effects of the oils can be influenced by the doses per hl, the number of applications, the timing of the application and the technique.
- Since the lower parts of the tree are shadier, many more fruits fall in these lower parts.
- With varieties reacting heavily on the oils, a later application on a fruit size of 25mm might be better.
- Shade (i.e. through hail nets, cloudy weather) increase the effect of the oils.
- Sulfur-containing pesticides, mainly lime sulfur, increase the effect of the oils.
- Strong growing trees drop more fruits than weak growing trees.

Tolerance of the plants:
- Only with Golden Delicious, damages (russetting) were observed.
- Some damages on the leaves, which did not have effects on the quality of the fruits or on the bloom of the subsequent year.

- The method can reduce alternation and can have a positive effect on the bloom of the following year.


Paraffinöle fördern den Junifall ()
Kelderer M., Lardschneider E. (2016). Paraffinöle fördern den Junifall. Obstbau Weinbau 53, Nr. 5, 9-11.
Neue Wege für die Ertragsregulierung im (Bio)Apfelanbau. ()
Kelderer M., Lardschneider E. (2016). Neue Wege für die Ertragsregulierung im (Bio)Apfelanbau. Besseres Obst, heft 5/2016, 7-9.
Activity type
Publication in technical journal
Activity work package
Reduction in pesticide residues
Activity number
Laimburg - WP3 - A28
Activity contact
Dr. Markus Kelderer
Laimburg Research Centre
Laimburg 6 - Pfatten
I-39040 Post Auer (BZ), Italy
[email protected]
Activity partner
Laimburg Research Centre
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.