1st International Symposium of Fire Blight of Rosaceous Plants. Resistance of Geneva and Other Apple Rootstocks trials

Fire blight is the main disease affecting some rosaceous species with especial importance in the world as Apple and pear. This bacterium in the last two decade was spread in the South European countries as Spain and Portugal. One of the most important strategies is developing fire blight resistant apple and pear cultivars is a promising approach to manage the disease. Efforts to breed fire blight resistant apple and pear cultivars started in the USA at the end of the 19th century. In the USA, the disease was first observed around 1793. Many pear and apple cultivars from Europe were introduced to the US at that time. Fire blight resistant material was also introduced from China and Japan. Therefore, a range of resistance sources was available for breeding. As the disease spread to Europe and other parts of the world, breeding activities for host resistance were intensified. In this international symposium fire blight control was exposed by experts of different countries considering the tolerance/resistance of cultivars the chemical control (antibiotics and other chemical compounds) and different technologies of crop management that combined can reduce the damages induced by this disease.
Activity type
Participation in scientific conference
Activity work package
Performance of new fruit varieties
Activity number
Activity contact
Dr. Emili Montesinos Universitat de Girona. Plaça Sant Domènec, 3. Edifici Les Àligues
17004 Girona (Spain)
Mr. Joan Bonany & Joaquim Carbó. +972-780275
IRTA-Fundació Mas Badia
17134-La Tallada d'Emporda (Spain)
Activity partner
Universitat de Girona-IRTA
Activity country
Last edit
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.