"A multi-tool approach for assessing fruit growth, production and plant water status of a pear orchard" presented @ ISHS International symposium on plant water status

In horticulture, water has always been important and, in many cases, a rare resource. Improved methods to evaluate water use efficiency but also the actual water needs of plants are essential for better understanding of horticultural production.

Also in postharvest, water is an important aspect. Excessive water losses may lead to unnecessary loss of freshness, increased waste and hence economic and social problems. Again, comprehensive understanding of basics of plant water status may help to better optimise postharvest condition during harvest, in storage and also during processing. Certainly, the precise knowledge of the physiological basics of all aspects of plants water status is essential but also knowledge and experiences on measuring techniques are targets for the agricultural community.

The present symposium will provide a platform to exchange findings on established and new methods - considering the fundamentals of the methodology as well as helpful hints achieved in applications.


ISHS Symposium 2016 Sensing Plant Water Status - Methods and Applications in Horticultural Science
Activity type
Participation in dialogue meeting (policy)
Activity work package
Secure sustainable fruit production
Activity number
Activity contact
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Balder, Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. Peter Braun, Geisenheim, Germany

Prof. Dr. Helmut Elsenbeer, University of Potsdam, Germany

Dr. Werner B. Herppich, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Germany

Dr. Tsirogiannis Ioannis, Technological Education Institute of Epirus, Kοstakii Arta, Greece

Prof. Dr. Lyn Jones, Dundee, UK

Dr. Karin Köhl, MPIMP Potsdam, Germany

Prof. Dr. Uzuki Matsushima, Iwate University, Japan

Prof. Dr. Samuel Ortega-Farias, Talca, Chile

Prof. Dr. Sascha Oswald, University of Potsdam, Germany

Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmidt, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. Kenneth Shackel, Davis, USA

Prof. Dr. ir. Kathy Steppe, Gent University, Belgium

Dr. Pieter Verboven, KU Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Dr. hab. Artur Zdunek, IAPAS, Lublin, Poland

Prof. Dr. Jana Zinkernagel, Geisenheim University, Germany

Prof. Dr. Manuela Zude-Sasse, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Germany
Activity partner
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Germany, University of Potsdam, Germany
Activity country
Last edit
Event name
ISHS Groups involved Commission Irrigation and Plant Water Relations Workgroup Water Supply and Irrigation Workgroup Water Relations
Event location
Potsdam/Berlin, Germany
The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.