The EUFRUIT Knowledge Platform is part of a European thematic network of 21 partners including research institutes, universities and industrial partners who represent keyparts of the fruit supply chain from 12 countries.

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The European Fruit Network (EUFRUIT) - Knowledge Platform

EUFRUIT Knowledge Platform is an international open access database of electronic documents related to productivity, sustainability and quality of fruit in the European fruit sector. New knowledge on fruit research and best practice approaches at a European level are available in the database. It is possible to search for information in a specific language.

Focuses are on four thematic areas of critical importance to competitiveness and innovation potential of the European fruit sector:

Displaying: Search results


EUFRIN Working group Fruit thinning, annual meeting of the WG

Participation in scientific conference - Secure sustainable fruit production

The aim of the annual meeting of the EUFRIN thinning working group was an informal exchange of knowledge and the coordination of further research activities in the participating countries. Thinning specialists and researchers from Europe, USA, Chile and South Africa gathered from 3 to 5 March 2016 in Porto, Portugal to present and discuss thinning trials by using chemical and…


Chemical thinning with Brevis on pears

Publication in industry journal/magazine - Secure sustainable fruit production

Keywords: Chemical thinning, metamitron, 6-BA, Conference, Celina/QTee®, Dicolor In our trials attention was paid to time and dose of application, comparison with 6-BA, thin-ning after treatments with GA, return bloom, influence of pollination, influence of spring night frost, combination with foliar nutrition, treatments in the top of the tree and spraying with less water. …


Brevis as chemical thinning agent in apple

Publication in industry journal/magazine - Secure sustainable fruit production

Many apple varieties in our assortment have a small fruit size and ask therefore a good and early chemical thinning to achieve a good fruit size. The authorization of the new thinning agent Brevis certainly is a welcome addition, especially for varieties such as Kanzi, Braeburn, Gala and Belgica. Some remarks on the use of Brevis - Brevis should always be sprayed on a dry…


Chemical thinning of ‘Conference’ with metamitron (Brevis)

Participation in scientific conference - Secure sustainable fruit production

Key words: 6-BA, metamitron, fruit weight The acreage of pears in Belgium has grown steadily over the past 20 years and since 2008 it exceeds the acreage of apples. In 2015 375 million kg of pears, of which 90 % Conference, has been produced on 9.340 ha. With the increase of the production, the size of the pears is an increasingly important factor for the determination of the…


Chemical thinning using Brevis on pear cv. ‘Conference’, effect on fruit quality and fruit size

Participation in other stakeholder meeting - Secure sustainable fruit production

In three meetings with pear growers associated with the BFV cooperation results of thinning trials during five years with 6-BA and Brevis (metamitron) on cultivar ’Conference’ were presented. The focus was on the effect of thinning on fruit quality and size. Currently, attention is paid to external fruit quality (background colour, bronzing and shape) in price setting, whereas…


Chemical thinning with Brevis on pear cv. 'Conference' and its effect on fruit size and fruit quality

Participation in other stakeholder meeting - Secure sustainable fruit production

In three meetings with pear growers associated with the BFV cooperation results of thinning trials during five years with 6-BA and Brevis (metamitron) on cultivar ’Conference’ were presented. The focus was on the effect of thinning on fruit quality and size. Currently, attention is paid to external fruit quality (background colour, bronzing and shape) in price setting, whereas…


Management of viruses and virus-like agents affecting apple production

Publication of book/booklet/chapter - Secure sustainable fruit production

This material is taken from the chapter Management of viruses and virus-like agents affecting apple production by Dr Kenneth C. Eastwell (Washington State University), September 2016, ID: 9781786760326-015 (for more information visit ). The chapter forms part of the forthcoming book: Evans, K.…


Secure sustainable fruit production - year 1 synthesis report

Publication of EIP-AGRI practitioner abstract - Secure sustainable fruit production

This work package, sustainable fruit production, has three focus themes: thinning, water/nutrients and organic/IPM. During the meeting of the group, scanning reports were presented, giving an overview on the current status of best practices of sustainable production that growers apply today as well as recent developments in sustainable fruit production that are in the pipeline. …


Breeding methods in cherry - a survey

Participation in scientific conference - Secure sustainable fruit production

This ppt presentation was given in Naussa, Greece on the final EU COST Cherry meeting. It summarizes data on pollination and breeding methods from a survey among EU breeders of sweet and sour cherries on the methods used and successes found, and point to some future challenges in breeding methods.


Fertigation - a challenge in organic food production

Participation in scientific conference - Secure sustainable fruit production

Oral presentation of organic greenhouse production. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of fertigation with chicken manure extract, lupin sap or a combination of the two on nutrient concentration, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) in the growing medium and on growth parameters of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Six fertigation treatments were established in…

The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.