The EUFRUIT Knowledge Platform is part of a European thematic network of 21 partners including research institutes, universities and industrial partners who represent keyparts of the fruit supply chain from 12 countries.

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The European Fruit Network (EUFRUIT) - Knowledge Platform

EUFRUIT Knowledge Platform is an international open access database of electronic documents related to productivity, sustainability and quality of fruit in the European fruit sector. New knowledge on fruit research and best practice approaches at a European level are available in the database. It is possible to search for information in a specific language.

Focuses are on four thematic areas of critical importance to competitiveness and innovation potential of the European fruit sector:

Displaying: Search results


Agriculture and Forestry: novel results and innovations

Participation in scientific conference - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Scientific conference "Agriculture and Forestry: novel results and innovations". Topics in fruit and vegetable growing, protection, processing and storage were presented and discussed


Phenolic antioxidant profiles in the whole fruit, flesh and peel of apple cultivars grown in Lithuania

Publication in scientific journal (peer review) - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Scientific publication "Phenolic antioxidant profiles in the whole fruit, flesh and peel of apple cultivars grown in Lithuania" was published.


Development of innovative biologically valuable product

Participation in industry event or exhibit - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

At the event was discused about innovation in horticulture, microorganisms, and the development of innovative products.


Advances in fruit and vegetable processing

Organising/holding event aimed at general public - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Teachers and students from Kaunas district were introduced to recent advances in fruit and vegetable processing.


Fruit and berry quality determination using chemical and physical methods

Organising/holding seminar/lecture-based workshop - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Training for students from Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Food Technology. Chemical and physical methods used for fruit quality evaluation were presented. Non destructive methods for fruit quality assessment were presented.


RA storage of Jonagold

Publication in technical journal - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

The eff ects of SmartFreshSM (1-Metylcyclopropene) and storage temperature on fruit quality were studied under regular air conditions. With decreasing storage temperature as well as by a SmartFreshSM treatment, the loss of fruit fi rmness and acidity were reduced signifi cantly. Depending on whether the fruits have been treated with SmartFreshSM or not, any temperature …


Member Assembly (17.03.2016, Jork)

Participation in other stakeholder meeting - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

annual member assembly of Elbe-Obst grower organization ; Flyer/Information sheet for all members and participants about the Project EUFRUIT


WP Meeting (23.06.2017, Warschau)

Publication of flyer/leaflet - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

WP 4 Meeting: knowledge sharing Flyer about the EUFRUIT WP4 meeting


AgroFresh Info event (27.03.2017, Jork)

Participation in industry event or exhibit - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

1.) tasting of different sorts of apples with/without 1-MCP 2.) presentations about improvement of fruit handling/storage and thinning strategies: 2a) presentation: "SmartFresh im Dispo nicht nur bei Elstar - sondern auch bei Holsteiner Cox" (Dr. Dirk Köpcke, OVA Jork) 2b) presentation: "Ausdünnung im Apfelanbau - mit der richtigen…


Real-Time "interactive storage" quality control in fresh agro products (QCAP)

Publication of EIP-AGRI practitioner abstract - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

In the north-west region, the agri food sector has a high economic and social value. A significant part of the crops is lost because of spoilage or the decreasing quality during handling or storage. The Radbound University develops a prototype of an interactive storage system (ISS) which is able to measure volatile compounds in storage air.These substances will be traced back to…

The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.