The EUFRUIT Knowledge Platform is part of a European thematic network of 21 partners including research institutes, universities and industrial partners who represent keyparts of the fruit supply chain from 12 countries.

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The European Fruit Network (EUFRUIT) - Knowledge Platform

EUFRUIT Knowledge Platform is an international open access database of electronic documents related to productivity, sustainability and quality of fruit in the European fruit sector. New knowledge on fruit research and best practice approaches at a European level are available in the database. It is possible to search for information in a specific language.

Focuses are on four thematic areas of critical importance to competitiveness and innovation potential of the European fruit sector:

Displaying: Search results


University lecture for Agronomy students

Organising/holding seminar/lecture-based workshop - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

These are the lecture notes used in the Bachelor’s degree course Horticulture I in the study program Agronomy at the ETH in Zurich.


Wood wool for the transportation and sale of fruit

Publication in technical journal - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Wood and wood wool products have been valued for their hygienic effects in wound treatment as early as in the 19th century and recent studies have shown the inhibitory effects of wood and secondary metabolites of wood on bacteria and fungi. Here, wood wool was evaluated as a tool to decrease microbiological decay of fruits in storage situations. The effect of wood wool on bacteria…


Storage recommendations for pome fruit

Publication of technical bulletin/guideline - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

In a yearly publication targeted at Swiss apple producers, recommended harvest dates and storage conditions are communicated together with some brief highlights on ongoing research at Agroscope. Specifically, results from storage trials on Pink Lady® and Goldkiss® are presented along with results from several trials with SmartFreshTM and Mat Tiempo boxes on different pear…


New apple storage technologies can reduce energy usage and improve storage life / EcoFruit

Participation in scientific conference - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Abstract This paper reviews recent developments in fruit storage that are relevant for both integrated and organic fruit producers and storage operators. Between 2012 and 2015, a cooperative INTERREG IV project, involving researchers and commercial storage operators in both Germany and Switzerland, investigated a range of technical and strategic management measures to reduce…


Storability of 'Galant' and 'Natyra': Two new apple cultivars for organic fruit production / EcoFruit

Participation in scientific conference - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Abstract Results from storage studies conducted at the Competence Centre for Fruit Growing at Lake Constance (KOB) in 2014 with the new resistant apple cultivars ‘Galant®’ and ‘Natyra’ are presented. Both these cultivars have been breed for resistance to apple scab and are of interest to organic fruit growers. ‘Galant®’ softens quickly after harvest and seems suitable only…


The incidence of Neofabraea spp. In 'Pinova' Apples can be Reduced at Elevated Storage Temperatures / EcoFruit

Participation in scientific conference - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Abstract ‘Pinova’ apples are highly susceptible to Neofabraea fungal storage rots. Experiments at the Competence Centre for Fruit Growing at Lake Constance (KOB) with dynamic controlled atmosphere storage (CA) have consistently shown lower rot incidence when ‘Pinova’ fruit are stored under higher temperatures (3 °C) compared to storage under ultra low oxygen (ULO) at 1 °C.…


Oxygen deficiency in apple storage: Time-dependent changes in ethanol concentration / Postharvest Symposium

Participation in scientific conference - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Oxygen deficiency in apple storage: Time-dependent changes in ethanol concentration


Can an optimized airflow save energy in apple strorage? / International Postharvest Symposium

Participation in scientific conference - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Can an optimized airflow save energy in apple strorage?


"Frutticoltura precisa, stato dell’arte e soluzioni per il futuro" Luca Corelli Grappadelli and Luigi Manfrini. FRUTTICOLTURA - n. 6 - 2017.

Publication in technical journal - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

La Frutticoltura di Precisione (FP) è una realtà che trova applicazioni commerciali in Italia ormai da diversi anni (; La gestione “precisa” di alcuni aspetti della conduzione del frutteto, in particolare difesa, nutrizione ed irrigazione, era già stata introdotta dagli anni '80. Le prime esperienze di lotta integrata (o biologica, come veniva indicata…


"Vigoria e produttività: perché i portinnesti nanizzanti sono più efficienti" by Alice tugnoli, Andrea Micheli, Lorenzo Cavallina, Luigi Manfrini, Stefano Lugli, Luca Corelli Grappadelli, Brunella Morandi. 2017. Frutticoltura 4, 28-33

Publication in technical journal - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage

Per lungo tempo gli impianti di ciliegio sono stati caratterizzati da bassa o media densità (≈ 500 alberi/ha) per cui la scelta del portainnesto era orientata verso tipi e specie vigorose tra cui il franco di Prunus, l’ SL64, l’ibrido Colt ed i cloni di ciliegio acido della serie CAB (Lugli, 2011). Tuttavia, la tendenza attuale in diverse zone vocate (Arco alpino, Emilia-Romagna,…

The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.