The EUFRUIT Knowledge Platform is part of a European thematic network of 21 partners including research institutes, universities and industrial partners who represent keyparts of the fruit supply chain from 12 countries.

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The European Fruit Network (EUFRUIT) - Knowledge Platform

EUFRUIT Knowledge Platform is an international open access database of electronic documents related to productivity, sustainability and quality of fruit in the European fruit sector. New knowledge on fruit research and best practice approaches at a European level are available in the database. It is possible to search for information in a specific language.

Focuses are on four thematic areas of critical importance to competitiveness and innovation potential of the European fruit sector:

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Merkblatt Aprikosen Sortenprüfung - Information sheet on apricot variety-testing

Publication of technical bulletin/guideline - Performance of new fruit varieties


Schlussbericht Projekt HERAKLES: Nachhaltiges Feuerbrandmanagement - Alternativen zu Streptomycin?

Publication of technical bulletin/guideline - Performance of new fruit varieties


Publication about tested resistant apple rootstocks in Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst und Weinbau

Publication in technical journal - Performance of new fruit varieties


Publication about tested varieties in level B in Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst und Weinbau

Publication in technical journal - Performance of new fruit varieties


Grundlage für die Düngung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen in der Schweiz – Principles of Agricultural Crop Fertilisation in Switzerland (PRIF)

Publication of technical bulletin/guideline - Secure sustainable fruit production


Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen für den Erwerbsobstbau 2016/2017 - Recommended plant-protection strategies for professional fruit-growing 2016/2017

Publication of technical bulletin/guideline - Secure sustainable fruit production


Empfohlene Pflanzenschutzmittel für den Erwerbsobstbau 2016 – Recommended plant-protection agents for professional fruit-growing 2016

Publication of technical bulletin/guideline - Secure sustainable fruit production


Güttingertagung – Conference in Güttingen

Participation in event aimed at general public - Secure sustainable fruit production


Use of Time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy to distinguish apples with a differing texture

Participation in scientific conference - Fruit quality; improvement of fruit handling/storage


BD6 - new Persian walnut genotype for backyard garden production

Publication in scientific journal (peer review) - Performance of new fruit varieties

The EUFRUIT thematic network has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 696337.